Saturday, January 1, 2011

Gone Rogue

Well, we're making the leap. We've changed our diets (I should say our lifestyle, really), and are switching to all natural foods with no preservatives. No more junk going into my kids' bellies. No more ammonia washed beef. No more chemicals where there shouldn't be chemicals. And that goes for more than just food.

Our children will no longer be receiving immunizations; at least not until Sean and I do the research. We're not going to just offer up our kids because we're told to. Give me convincing research as to WHY my kids will be better off vaccinated. No more nonsense, we are no longer "sheep" just following the herd.

We have been using cloth diapers for the better part of 6 months now, and have no intentions of switching back. Its better for Liam's skin, its better for the environment, and its better for our bank account. And no, I don't have any more time than any other mother out there (whether they work outside of the home or not). If you have the urge to imply that I sit on my ass all day, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Kay?

We are putting in our organic garden this spring. The produce that is available in stores (that doesn't cost an arm and a leg) is seriously lacking! Squishy when it should be firm, covered in wax, and very little flavor. I can only imagine that it is also seriously lacking in nutrients as well. Neither Sean or I believes in pesticides, and as long as we plant enough to allow the critters their share... no harm no foul.

I'm really looking forward to cutting our grocery bill down, to only getting the things that we can't make (eggs and milk especially, since I can't stand cattle and Sean hates chickens); and since we'd have so much less to buy we'd be able to purchase it at a whole foods market instead of the local Kroger or Food Lion. Truly organic foods are expensive and its sad.

I'm hoping that Jessica (King) ends up making different soaps, and perhaps she and I can institute some sort of trade (hint hint Jess) so that we can both benefit.
Anyway, I have homemade banana bread in the oven that needs attention. I'll definitely be keeping this updated.


  1. I can't wait to see the results of this.

  2. LOL Yes! If I make soap we can do trades :) I really need to sit down and have time to research soap making and figure out some costs to start playing around. Today I decided I wanted to try shampoo bars too :P The only downside is having to wait for it to cure which is like 2 weeks gaaaahhh!!! lol
