Sunday, January 23, 2011


Its a river in Egypt, not an acceptable state of being.
Time for me to man up, suck it up, and quit making excuses.
Yes, I have a problem with food. My problem is that I like to eat too much of it! I stress eat, and then I belittle myself for doing it, which causes me to eat more. I've overcome this before, and I will overcome it again.

I will no longer be stuck on this plateau; I will no longer be lazy, or make excuses for my behavior. I know how to fix this. I've made a living helping others fix this. So right now my client is myself. I cannot expect to be accountable to anyone other than myself, I cannot blame anyone other than myself, and I cannot expect anyone else to fix my problem.

I will lose 5 lbs in the next 2 weeks. My overall goal isn't about weight, its about feeling and looking good. I do have 5 lbs to lose however (more like 5x4, but whatever) so buckling down and losing those first 5 is a good step.

I will take my multi vitamin every day.
I will get at least 20 minutes of treadmill time in per day.
I will lift 3 days a week, run 3 days a week, and take one day off for a true rest day.

I will increase my protein consumption, decrease my carb and fat consumption.
I will take care of myself, both inside and out.
I will take some time and turn inwards, so that I can be around long enough to take care of others.


  1. My favorite part of all of this is taking the time to turn inward. Take care of yourself and you have more power to take care of others.

  2. Thats so true P! I feel very guilty about taking time away from the kids and the husband and the house. Every time I say that I'm going to focus on myself for a bit, I don't. That guilt is always there nagging at me.
    Its finally caught up, and I don't feel well mentally or physically. Thats not going to do anyone any good, so its time to really buckle down.

  3. If you don't take care of yourself...what good are to the hubs and kids? You will do this!!!
