Saturday, January 29, 2011

It is what it is

I love how people sit there and bitch moan and complain about being an afterthought to their friends; yet when you try to be that friend who thinks about them you get ignored yourself. Did that sentence even make sense?
For real, I feel like I'm wasting my time. If you don't like being the afterthought, don't make your friends an afterthought, kay? I think I'm going to take a break from FB. People can contact me on my cell if they really want to. FB makes it too easy to half ass a friendship.

Not to sound totally bitchy, but I think I'm just going to stick with my close circle for a while. I feel like theres a lot of judgment from other places, and even though that could very well just be in my head I just want to get a handle on things and get my life in order. If I can be satisfied with myself, then I won't care quite so much about what other people think. I guess I'm also getting a little annoyed when I start a project, then someone else will start one very similar to mine, and a whole bunch of people jump on the other person's bandwagon saying "omg so awesome that you're doing that, you're so great, etc etc". I'm really not looking for that kind of recognition for myself, but its really frustrating nonetheless! (and no I'm not upset at all with the people who start the projects that are like mine, more irritated with the audience I guess you'd call it?)

In other news I suppose, B had her follow up appointment yesterday and was given the tentative diagnosis of croup, but was also given an Albuterol inhaler "just in case". Kind of scary knowing that my daughter has an inhaler, but I'm hoping to never have to use it.
Liam is scheduled for surgery on Tuesday, and yes I'm still wicked nervous. Minor procedure or not, they're putting him under and I cannot wait until its over and he's up and playing again.

Also starting on Monday, I get to start watching Lexi :) I'm excited for it because I know she and Liam need the interaction on a regular basis, and I think its going to be incredibly good for them. She's such a sweet girl too, even holds my hand out in public (when her mom is right there, lol). Starting the Monday after Liam's surgery, I'm going to start doing preschool lessons with the kids and *hopefully* focusing on potty training for both kids. We'll see how surgery and recovery goes first though.

1 comment:

  1. So this circle....I feel ya. I am stepping away from FB for a while....personal choice and came to blog pretty much the same....LOL...but not the same ya know.

    I know Lexi is going to love it at your house. She is such an awesome girl and loves to sleep! She might cry just a bit....but that is for show...LOL....she does it here when her dad drops her off.

