Monday, January 10, 2011

For lack of a witty title: Here's an update

So many things are up in the air now. I hate this feeling of not knowing which way is up. Hopefully he can talk to his higher-ups today and get us some answers and some direction. Chances are he's not going to be happy with the answers he gets, but to some degree at least we'll know whats up. Its frustrating knowing that he's not your average sailor, he wants to do his part, to be part of a combat group; but because no one else has certain skills, he's possibly going to be left behind. Its just as insulting as it is complimentary. Whatever happens, I hope he aces his Chief's exam, gets picked up for LDO, and gets a command that he's satisfied with. As it stands right now, he's not happy and that sucks.
In other news, mom still isn't talking to me. I was getting random text messages, now its just silence. I gave her Liam's surgery date, and there was no response. I guess I just need to let it go. Doesn't look like we're ever going to get our relationship back, and that really makes me sad. I was wanting to plan my "secret" trip to CA, to visit and to clear out all of my belongings that are still hanging around her house; now I'm almost wondering if it would just be better to tell her to donate the lot and save the money on the trip. I miss everyone terribly, but I don't see the point if its just going to be miserable.
On the positive side, I was finally able to finish my PT cert. I'm finally legal to train again and start my business up the right way. I still have that monster business plan to complete, along with all of my other legal crud; AND I have 2 more certs to finish so that I can hold the "Elite Trainer" title from ISSA. Once those are done, its back to the traditional schools to finish my BS so that I can work on achieving "Master Trainer" status. I'm still hoping to eventually make a living off of writing, so I'm getting my practice in now by keeping the new blog (Raising My Family - Naturally), my fitness forum (the Fit Military Family -, and hopefully some more writing projects in the future. For now I'm just trying to keep my sanity while cuddling my babies, loving my husband, and taking each day one step at a time.


  1. ::hugs:: I hope that over time your mom comes around girl. And I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get you guys get this Navy business all sorted out...I know having everything up in the air is stressful and frustrating.

  2. I think it is wonderful that you got your cert again and are back to being able to do what you love.. I am sorry about the family thing.. if you ever wanna talk let me know.. you know I don't talk to my "mom" either... Oh, and could you make your font bigger for us old people.. the small one is hard to

  3. Thanks girls :) We should get answers today from the Navy, its sort of a damned either way situation though. Both options pretty much suck, one more so for me, and the other would mean he'd be miserable.
    Oh, P, I fixed the font for you :P

