Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sleep deprivation is a form of torture

So I'd like to personally hang the bastard responsible for teaching my children how to use it as a weapon!
Liam is teething (again) and this time its a battle with his molars. One will manage to break through, and then his gums say "Oh hell no" and suck it back under. Repeat other side. Poor guy is miserable, moans and groans in his "sleep", and to top it off I can't give him Motrin until after his surgery next week. We have infant's Tylenol on hand, but I really don't like giving Tylenol on a regular basis.
Then, our little princess. The Diva of the family (and yes I meant to capitalize that). Wants to be held 100% of the time... by me. She wants to nurse all night and all day, and when the nipple comes out of her mouth she screams. Bad enough to deal with that during the day, but at night its truly brutal. I don't think that there is enough coffee to make this headache go away either.
Anywho, thats enough complaining from me. Time to suck it up, take a motrin, and get on with my day.
I'm giving myself a pep talk so that I'll actually get my workout done today (between loads of laundry and batches of granola bars); and renewing my affirmation to keep up with my food journal. Time to practice what I preach!
20 lbs to go, only 14 weeks to do it.


  1. That sounds miserable! I hope Liam's teeth finally pop through and he (and you) can get some relief. And I really hope you can get some decent sleep soon!

  2. I hope his teeth come in, poor guy :( and I hope you get some sleep soon!
