Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Coffee: Nectar of the Gods

I most certainly agree with that statement! I don't know how I would function without my morning Java; especially on days like today (the ironic moment of the morning: as I was typing that sentence, a notification popped up on my desktop for a Java update. Love how the universe works sometimes!).

Last night was brutal. Plain and simple. B is/was so congested, so miserable, that in order to allow my husband some sleep (you know, since he's the one at work all day) I gave her some Tylenol and we slept on the couch from about 2am onward. "Slept" is being rather generous though, considering the circumstances. Her fever broke around 5, she tossed and turned a bit in my arms until around 7. Thats when Liam and Sean both woke up and came out.
For someone who got no rest last night, she sure is perky! If it weren't for the huge bags under her eyes and runny nose, I think even I would doubt that last night happened the way it did. I've got my fingers crossed that she'll take a nap when Liam does.... that is if he naps at all : /
As for Liam, he's bright eyed, bushy tailed, and up to no good. Its barely 9 am, he's already swung the magnadoodle at my head, flicked his sister in the cheek, chased the cat, and jumped on the dog.
Good thing he's cute, because its going to be a long day.

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