I spend way too much money on cleaning supplies however, and since I use them so often I was very happy when Jessica shared her recipe for a homemade cleaning solution. And yes, it does work quite well.
Mix together:
Half vinegar
Half water
Tea tree oil until you can smell it
Essential oil opt
One pump hand soap
Oh and if you have a bug phobia like I do, it seems to deter the cockroaches. Worth its weight in gold just for that factor alone!
I have yet to use essential oils, but since I like the smell of tea tree oil (it smells clean to me) I'm in no rush to find it and buy it. The TT oil was $8 at walmart for a small jar, but a little goes a long way.
My next project is to perfect homemade laundry detergent. I may be a SAHM with no income of my own at the moment, but I refuse to be less than productive and I'll save money every chance I get. It makes me feel better and soothes my income lacking soul.
I am going to have to try this!