Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It goes by too quickly!

Time flies and it needs to slow down. Now. I insist!

Seriously though, where has the last two years gone? I remember that night in the hospital, hooked up to all those silly machines like it was yesterday. I remember the smell of the hospital, of brand new baby (something that was noticeably missing when B was born - I have no idea why). And now my tiny baby is no longer :( He's a big boy (literally and figuratively) who is learning how to count and say his alphabet. He's a big boy who feeds himself, undresses himself (we're working on getting dressed, but he'd much rather be naked), and uses the potty. He's a big boy who's learning how to use Daddy's tools and catches bugs to bring to mommy. I'm afraid if I blink he's going to be the big boy who is driving away to college. The big boy who is at the altar waiting for his bride, the future mother of my grandkids.

Holy wow I've gotten ahead of myself. Here's some pictures of my big boy. I'm going to go enjoy watching him color on Handy Manny and try to forget the images of him being all grown up.


  1. He is SO cute Laura! Happy Birthday Liam--slow down on the growing up thing for a little while for your Mama!

  2. Awww. Slow down Liam! He's getting so big.
