Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Day 6 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy

I started this entry days ago. Sadly I only got as far as the title and the "Day 6-...". A perfect example of my lack of concentration!
The thing that "tickles my fancy" today, is actually a news report that we watched last night on China, and how economically they are set to pass up the US, and how they already surpass us in early education. Did you know that Chinese students are learning English at the age of 2? That at 10 they are fluent? No offense to any teachers out there, but our education system just isn't cutting it! What do most American 2 year olds know best? Yo Gabba Gabba and Spongebob. Oh, and lets not forget Dora!  Lets be honest here. We're doing our country a great disservice, and it all starts with our kids.
After watching this segment and having a long heart to heart with my husband, we've come to the conclusion that we will not be sheep and allow our children to follow that same path. We want our kids to have better than we did as children. Better than we have now. Not easier, but better. My list for Santa this year is to bring Liam some preschool books, blocks, counters, and other various things. For me? The Spanish program that I took in middle school. I was darn near fluent, and I intend to pick it back up and then teach my children. When they are in middle school and high school, they can work on becoming trilingual while everyone else is just starting with a second language.
Don't get me wrong, we want our children to enjoy their childhood. Kids grow up fast enough as it is, but they are growing up in the wrong ways. Violence and sexuality are being learned so early on. Five year olds threatening to kill other children over a box of cereal! Parents, this is our fault. And its our job to pull them back in. Its our job to raise them right, and give them the positive opportunities that will help them in the future; in turn bringing our country back from the brink.
I could go on and on and on, but I haven't had my coffee yet, and I'm already struggling to form coherent thoughts let alone write them out for you to follow along. I can guarantee that there will be more on this in the future.

1 comment:

  1. If you want to get some pre-school materials Hooked on Phonics has a good pre-school program that Ivy is working through. I also have some workbooks that you can find at walmart, target etc that I throw in for a change of pace. Also check out www.starfall.com and http://www.first-school.ws/themes.html. I try to make sure I have enough content for her to keep her interested and that I can tailor to her that I can change around daily and expand upon. She really likes it.
