Friday, March 4, 2011

Much better already

Yesterday just started off on the wrong foot. I can't explain it, but I pretty much knew from the get go that something was going to blow. That something was probably going to be the cap that I hold loosely over my temper. The things that I was ranting about in yesterday's blog; yes they irk me regularly. But I'm usually able to bottle up my feelings about them, and then let them go with the bath water. Not my life, and there's a nifty little "hide" button on Facebook. Yesterday... yeah.
I ended the day by yelling and then pleading with Sean's mom to please stand up for herself and for her children. She's allowing her second youngest daughter to stay in her home with her 30 year old boyfriend. Yes I think he's a pedophile. He's been "with" her since she was 16. Story is, he drinks profusely, and recently had his hands on their mother. I don't care if its just a "pat on the rear" its inappropriate and not something that a) Julie should put up with, or b) something that the younger kids need to be exposed to.
It goes without saying that had Siobhan been my daughter, I would have taken the risk of losing any "friendship" or positive relationship with her, in order to make sure that I did my damn best to ensure her safety. That would have involved refusing to allow her to date or be with men who are twice her age. If he really loved her, he would have waited until she was 18 and legal. But I digress. Siobhan has made her bed, and now she can sleep in it. I really hope she doesn't end up hurt. I really really do. But now this man is in the home with the younger kids, and thats just not kosher. That is Julie's home that she built with Larry for their family; she doesn't need nor deserve to be made uncomfortable by this man. I really don't think Larry would appreciate his wife or his house being disrespected.

That situation aside, I'm really looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Celebrating Mardi Gras a few days early with the Sanson clan, and then starting Lent early on Monday. Yes, I know it technically starts on Wed, but since I'm already being a bad Catholic and not taking my kids to church on Ash Wednesday... I don't think God is going to mind if I start my period of reflection, sacrifice, and inward cleansing a few days early.
The vices that I'm tackling this year? Caffeine (as in coffee and soda) and alcohol. They are doing a number on me both inside and out, and I know I'm going to need some divine intervention to help me succeed. I want to be healthy for my kids, for my husband, and for myself. I have this feeling that I'm ultimately putting myself into an early jittery grave with the amount of coffee I consume on a daily basis. Easily a pot a day. No bueno!

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