Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'm going to lay it all out there

I'm too old for secrets. For drama. For absolute childish behavior.

I will continue to maintain my silence on certain things, and thats out of respect for a good friend. As much as I would love to make myself perfectly cut and dry clear, I'll have to find a way without going against that person's wishes.

So. Starting with the apparently hot topic: ASA

I left ASA because I felt that as a super mod the work and many many hours that I had spent on that site were for naught. I felt like a child having to walk on eggshells, never knowing if I was going to be in trouble.
Things as silly as adding a smiley, and then the next day the permission is gone and no one says why until I ask. So one day its ok, and the next its not? And then when I say something, its magically returned. Hmmm ok. I also left because of an attitude. I am not a child to be parented (and I dare someone to ever try to parent me in my mid-twenties), and I certainly do not take well to lectures. Unless you are a college professor whom I am PAYING to teach me something? Don't try it.
Now, I will say, that these two things specifically happened after I left ASA. However, the attitude has been there for some time. THAT is why I left. The events following simply confirmed my decision.

When asked, I will tell the truth. I am not encouraging a mass exodus; I am not spreading gossip about the site or its owner. To be very clear, I don't care that much. If you choose to stay a member of that site, I have no problems whatsoever. That is your decision, and I will not try to change your mind. I did what I needed to do, for myself, for my family, for my sanity (or whats left anyway)

I will never be a part of another "support site". I won't join one, and I won't create one. I have no intentions of being a part of a large group of specifically military spouses ever again; and yes that includes an FRG. I've survived how many deployments/FEX/schools without one? Yeah. No thanks. Not if I can help it. They can be a wonderful resource if thats your thing, but its not mine anymore.

Lastly, if I deleted you from FB (*gasp*) its because we don't talk. I don't understand why people get so upset over being removed from a silly social networking page, when they don't even talk to its owner! I don't do things out of maliciousness. Please, I don't have the time or the functioning non-sleep deprived brain cells to be malicious. I have a temper, yes. But its a flash in a pan kind of thing. Its instant, and its over. When it comes to Facebook, I have pictures of my family on there, its how I keep in contact with my close family and friends who are all over the world. Its not a popularity contest, and if thats how you see it then I'm really not sorry about having deleted you.

If thats all that you came to my blog for, you can stop reading now. Because the following posts will bore you.


  1. Woot woot.........such a wonderful blog...Can I give it two thumbs up?

  2. You do what you do is best for you and your family and that is one thing I love about you.
