Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Laying it out part dos

So, now that the trauma drama has been addressed (for the last darn time), here's what really matters in my life:

Sean took the Chief's exam this year for the first time (for LDO purposes) and.... passed AND made board (actually is board eligible, since he can't technically make board until next year). So, now he gets to put in his package and hopefully get commissioned next year. Even if he doesn't get picked up, I'm insanely proud of him. He's smart, he's hard working, and he's an honestly good man. I don't think I tell him that enough.

Brigid is crawling now, and thats bitter sweet for me. She's been doing the inch worm thing, and on Monday? I think was, she crawled half way down the hallway on her hands and knees. Soon, she'll be running just like her big brother <3 She's still super clingy to me, which while I can appreciate that she loves me and that she needs me... she needs to bond more with her dad. He put her to bed last night, and she didn't like it one bit. Have to admit, it hurt  my heart a little, but I think I did ok. She's a little more cuddly than usual today, but she'll get better.

Speaking of my blonde haired ball of perpetual energy... he's amazing. He's speaking in full sentences, he's running, jumping, climbing, hiding (lol)... and is currently wearing my deoderant. Don't ask, it was either I put it on him properly or I have holes dug into my anti-stink stuff  from his fingernails (and I can't guarantee that he wouldn't eat it either).

As for me, I'm doing much much better. I went through a bit of a rough patch. I admit, I was depressed. I wanted to do nothing but sleep (and B is a great excuse btw), I binge ate, I drank soda excessively, and alcohol every night. I didn't get drunk, but anyone who knows me knows that I'm not a drinker. So then Lent started, I gave up caffeine and alcohol. No soda, no coffee, and no booze for me. I'm thinking the booze might be gone for good, because I really don't miss it. Coffee, I miss. Very much. Though I have found a love for blueberry tea. Drizzle a little raw honey into it... mmmmmm bliss
So, yeah back to my little tropical depression. I made a choice. I decided that I needed help, and not of the chemical variety, so I joined Weight Watchers. Online only, I know that I can't commit to a meeting (especially since I don't have a vehicle here at home all the time). I lost 4 lbs the first week, maintained the second, and have lost another pound so far. We'll see on Sunday what this week did for me. So far, its just the kick in the butt that I needed. I actually got up this morning and worked out with Sean. We've been super lazy lately, and not done our morning routine. I'm hoping that this continues because as much as it hurts, it hurts so good.
I'm also starting my studying again today. Fitness and Nutrition, its on!!!


  1. I am so proud of you Laura. You are truly an amazing and inspirational woman! I am proud to call you my friend!!!

  2. It sounds like things are getting better. I hope they keep going up for you. :-)
