Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So many days of blog posts written in my head, but never put into type. Its probably going to be a bunch of nonsense (hence the title) so bear with me.
One post was going to be a tribute to the inventor of OxiClean. No joke, he or she is a house wife's best friend. Especially when said house wife has a toddler.
Sean and I were in the shower, Brigid was in her bouncy seat, and Liam was in his room with the baby gate across the door. Apparently, he had to poop. We get out of the shower and discover a neatly placed row of Liam logs on top of the baby gate. No I didn't get a picture. Gross.
At first I thought that was the extent of the nastiness, and all I had to do was lysol the gate. Not my luck! I found a giant ball of Liam poo buried under a pile of toys. Can I puke yet? Oh, and the kicker was the claw marks I found in the carpet where he had been trying to clean it up and instead ground it deeper into the carpet fibers.
OxiClean to the rescue!!! Stifling my gag reflex, I scrubbed that carpet with a scrub brush, OxiClean, and warm water. Looks brand new! The toys, yeah those were bleached. So gross, words cannot even do it justice.

Another post was going to be about my dear inlaws. Ok, one inlaw in particular. He had the audacity to call and leave us a voicemail saying that his car didn't run and that he had to figure something out by the next day or he'd lose his job (thus starting a chain of events that lead downhill for his marriage and his children). Come to find out, he lied. Not just a little lie either. His car works fine. His brothers had seen him driving it. He simply wanted a new one. Oh, and not just any new one, a $14,000 pick up. Sean talked to him, and he wanted us to co-sign on this truck. First of all, he was offered a car for free. It simply needed a head gasket ($500 fix). He didn't want that. He also didn't want a $6000 car, because he thinks that its just going to break. So the man child can't afford $500 to fix a free car, but seems to think that he can afford the down payment, monthly payment, and insurance on a $14000 vehicle. And he wants my husband's credit attached. I think not. The kicker, he tells another brother that no one loves him because they wouldn't give him money. Eff you too Shane. Love has nothing to do with money. Money that no one has to give.

Lets see, there was another one that was going to be posted.... oh yeah my new favorite tortellini recipe. I'll post that separately since it has a picture and all that. I'm really glad that my pumpkin muffin and granola bar recipes are such a hit. I feel accomplished :)
My last thought for this present moment? I'm practically giddy that we now have a treadmill at home. Yes its old. But it works, and I don't have to take the kids out in freezing temps (literally) to get my cardio in. No more excuses, just a fitter, healthier me. Woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. Poop mornings are no fun!

    Umm..yeah. Your BIL needs a kick in the pants.

    I am loving your recipes. :-)
