Monday, July 25, 2011

So much to write about, where to start?!

We close on our house in less than 3 weeks, I'm super excited and super nervous all rolled together. Add to that, we're flying home the very next day to spend a week in sunny San Diego (watch, now its going to rain the whole week). We come home, get fully moved in and out of our rental (a rant for another day), and quite possibly take to the road again. This time to Minnesota to pick up a puppy for the family... erm, Liam. Yeah, totally Liam's dog, lol. That's not set in stone just yet, but its an idea that is rapidly in the works.
As for me, I have so many irons in the fire right now, I'm practically spinning in circles. I can't go into detail on everything, but there will be pictures along the way.
I can say that Photina and I are doing the Present's Active Lifestyle Award Challenge, and I'm pretty stoked. Its the first step of many to my ultimate goal(s). Girls definitely do it better, right Photina?
I've also recently started training again; via correspondence at the moment, and in person again once we're moved and I can breathe again. I'm excited to be back in my field again, doing what I love, and also contributing to the family financially. I have the potential to earn so much, I just need to keep pushing and get it done.
I'll probably add to this post a little bit later; for now I have some research to get done, and my treadmill is begging for my attention. Cheers!

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