Monday, July 25, 2011

So much to write about, where to start?!

We close on our house in less than 3 weeks, I'm super excited and super nervous all rolled together. Add to that, we're flying home the very next day to spend a week in sunny San Diego (watch, now its going to rain the whole week). We come home, get fully moved in and out of our rental (a rant for another day), and quite possibly take to the road again. This time to Minnesota to pick up a puppy for the family... erm, Liam. Yeah, totally Liam's dog, lol. That's not set in stone just yet, but its an idea that is rapidly in the works.
As for me, I have so many irons in the fire right now, I'm practically spinning in circles. I can't go into detail on everything, but there will be pictures along the way.
I can say that Photina and I are doing the Present's Active Lifestyle Award Challenge, and I'm pretty stoked. Its the first step of many to my ultimate goal(s). Girls definitely do it better, right Photina?
I've also recently started training again; via correspondence at the moment, and in person again once we're moved and I can breathe again. I'm excited to be back in my field again, doing what I love, and also contributing to the family financially. I have the potential to earn so much, I just need to keep pushing and get it done.
I'll probably add to this post a little bit later; for now I have some research to get done, and my treadmill is begging for my attention. Cheers!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Big News, Big Hopes

And no, its not another baby. I know how you all think!

Big news, we put in an offer on a house and it was accepted! Still very very nervous; its a huge purchase and we have the inspection on Wednesday. Fingers crossed that everything goes well, it will be nice to have some place where our kids can call home; some place that is ours and ours alone.

In other news, I have an extraordinarily precocious 2 year old who is having a blast pushing every button his father and I collectively own, and to be quite frank is driving me insane. I love the little creep more than he will ever know, and I know I'll end this journey with a full head of gray hair, probably before I'm 30. It just amazes me how smart he is, how personable, and how stubborn. I love hearing him sing; he sings a modified version of "twinkle twinkle", and as silly as it is, its the most beautiful song that I've ever heard. He may be turning into a smelly, dirty little boy (and I say that with all the love in the world), but I cherish all of those mud and chocolate covered kisses and I secretly enjoy every disgusting bug that he brings to me, just to see me wrinkle my nose and say "ew".
His sister lights up my world just as much as her brother. She's beautiful, smart, and just... amazing. She is so close to walking, Sean and I think that she's more than capable just too stubborn to allow herself to do it. At least when he and I are looking. She can say "mama" "dada" and "up"; she waves bye-bye and thanks to her daddy has also learned to let you know exactly when she wants up (can't think of the words to exactly describe it, she basically crawls up to you, sits back on her haunches and reaches up and makes the bye-bye hands). She can climb up and down off the couches, the beds, the chairs. She bangs on windows, pulls the cat's tail, and was recently seen exploring the dog's mouth with her hands and face. What can I say, our dog gives pits a bad name. She laid there and let Brigid do her thing, and repaid her with plenty of kisses all over her face and in her mouth. Disgusting, but incredibly funny.

So in a nut shell, that's where we are. I have my frustrations with people, places, and things; but I'm trying incredibly hard to just let them go. They don't matter, nothing does except my family. They're my whole world, and I just need to focus. They deserve it <3

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Breaking my silence

It took a couple of months, but I was finally bit by the blogging bug again today. Just to sort things out visually instead of just in my head.
I came to a sort of epiphany today, and to be quite frank I'm overcome with a sense of apathy. I have little twinges of sadness at the thought of being replaced (more like being put as a firm second place), but the more I think of it, the more it really doesn't matter. Maybe I realized it was happening a while ago, and just now let myself realize it.
I no longer feel the need to impress anyone, to live life anyone's way but my own. I don't have a problem being alone (well, as alone as my children will let me be), and while I love company, I don't feel the  need to seek it out. My door is always open to friends, and at this point I think that they would/should know that. I hope that that didn't come across as harsh as I think it did, but its the only way I could think to word it.

Going in another direction, I think my shopping days are over for a while. We found an amazing house today, and it sort of slapped me across the face that we should be moving in about 6 months. That means we have to save as much money as we possibly can as quickly as we can for inspection, appraisal, etc etc; and thats only if we can get away with financing closing costs! So I'm going to be sticking as close to home as possible, focusing on my kids, on my workouts, and on not spending money. Goodbye Starbucks, your services are no longer afforded :(

Saturday, March 26, 2011

MIA from a lot of things

I have been (and probably will be continuing to be) in hiding; I needed a bit of a break from social media. I'm fine, I promise, we had a really rough week in the Kelly household and we need some time to recouperate. If you don't find me on here or FB, that's why.

<3 LK

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Laying it out part dos

So, now that the trauma drama has been addressed (for the last darn time), here's what really matters in my life:

Sean took the Chief's exam this year for the first time (for LDO purposes) and.... passed AND made board (actually is board eligible, since he can't technically make board until next year). So, now he gets to put in his package and hopefully get commissioned next year. Even if he doesn't get picked up, I'm insanely proud of him. He's smart, he's hard working, and he's an honestly good man. I don't think I tell him that enough.

Brigid is crawling now, and thats bitter sweet for me. She's been doing the inch worm thing, and on Monday? I think was, she crawled half way down the hallway on her hands and knees. Soon, she'll be running just like her big brother <3 She's still super clingy to me, which while I can appreciate that she loves me and that she needs me... she needs to bond more with her dad. He put her to bed last night, and she didn't like it one bit. Have to admit, it hurt  my heart a little, but I think I did ok. She's a little more cuddly than usual today, but she'll get better.

Speaking of my blonde haired ball of perpetual energy... he's amazing. He's speaking in full sentences, he's running, jumping, climbing, hiding (lol)... and is currently wearing my deoderant. Don't ask, it was either I put it on him properly or I have holes dug into my anti-stink stuff  from his fingernails (and I can't guarantee that he wouldn't eat it either).

As for me, I'm doing much much better. I went through a bit of a rough patch. I admit, I was depressed. I wanted to do nothing but sleep (and B is a great excuse btw), I binge ate, I drank soda excessively, and alcohol every night. I didn't get drunk, but anyone who knows me knows that I'm not a drinker. So then Lent started, I gave up caffeine and alcohol. No soda, no coffee, and no booze for me. I'm thinking the booze might be gone for good, because I really don't miss it. Coffee, I miss. Very much. Though I have found a love for blueberry tea. Drizzle a little raw honey into it... mmmmmm bliss
So, yeah back to my little tropical depression. I made a choice. I decided that I needed help, and not of the chemical variety, so I joined Weight Watchers. Online only, I know that I can't commit to a meeting (especially since I don't have a vehicle here at home all the time). I lost 4 lbs the first week, maintained the second, and have lost another pound so far. We'll see on Sunday what this week did for me. So far, its just the kick in the butt that I needed. I actually got up this morning and worked out with Sean. We've been super lazy lately, and not done our morning routine. I'm hoping that this continues because as much as it hurts, it hurts so good.
I'm also starting my studying again today. Fitness and Nutrition, its on!!!

I'm going to lay it all out there

I'm too old for secrets. For drama. For absolute childish behavior.

I will continue to maintain my silence on certain things, and thats out of respect for a good friend. As much as I would love to make myself perfectly cut and dry clear, I'll have to find a way without going against that person's wishes.

So. Starting with the apparently hot topic: ASA

I left ASA because I felt that as a super mod the work and many many hours that I had spent on that site were for naught. I felt like a child having to walk on eggshells, never knowing if I was going to be in trouble.
Things as silly as adding a smiley, and then the next day the permission is gone and no one says why until I ask. So one day its ok, and the next its not? And then when I say something, its magically returned. Hmmm ok. I also left because of an attitude. I am not a child to be parented (and I dare someone to ever try to parent me in my mid-twenties), and I certainly do not take well to lectures. Unless you are a college professor whom I am PAYING to teach me something? Don't try it.
Now, I will say, that these two things specifically happened after I left ASA. However, the attitude has been there for some time. THAT is why I left. The events following simply confirmed my decision.

When asked, I will tell the truth. I am not encouraging a mass exodus; I am not spreading gossip about the site or its owner. To be very clear, I don't care that much. If you choose to stay a member of that site, I have no problems whatsoever. That is your decision, and I will not try to change your mind. I did what I needed to do, for myself, for my family, for my sanity (or whats left anyway)

I will never be a part of another "support site". I won't join one, and I won't create one. I have no intentions of being a part of a large group of specifically military spouses ever again; and yes that includes an FRG. I've survived how many deployments/FEX/schools without one? Yeah. No thanks. Not if I can help it. They can be a wonderful resource if thats your thing, but its not mine anymore.

Lastly, if I deleted you from FB (*gasp*) its because we don't talk. I don't understand why people get so upset over being removed from a silly social networking page, when they don't even talk to its owner! I don't do things out of maliciousness. Please, I don't have the time or the functioning non-sleep deprived brain cells to be malicious. I have a temper, yes. But its a flash in a pan kind of thing. Its instant, and its over. When it comes to Facebook, I have pictures of my family on there, its how I keep in contact with my close family and friends who are all over the world. Its not a popularity contest, and if thats how you see it then I'm really not sorry about having deleted you.

If thats all that you came to my blog for, you can stop reading now. Because the following posts will bore you.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

No. More. Drama.

There is a lot of drama floating around right now. Quite frankly, I have enough of my own that I try not to pay attention to other people's drama. My friends know that they can vent to me, and I will be a sounding board and a non judgmental receiver for when they need to get it out. However, do not mistake that for allowing myself to be drug into all of that drama. I stand firmly on the outskirts. If I have a problem with you, or if I feel that there is no need for you to be in my life; I have no contact with you. I'll delete you from Facebook, my cell phone, my blog, what have you. Its not out of maliciousness, its simply because I keep my circle tight and if we aren't friends then why should I keep you around? Whats the point?

On the same token, I want my friends to realize that if they are in my life its for a reason; and I do not judge you based on a Facebook status (or lack thereof). Sure, my friends might drive me a little crazy sometimes. I'm sure I drive them bonkers myself. But please don't sit there and wonder if I'm speaking ill of you, or if my statuses are aimed at you. I'm a rather straight forward person, and I try to make sure that I keep the lines of communication open. If you can't help but wonder, then please ask. Just know that I do not make a habit of making passive agressive statements (on the internet of all places) regarding people that I consider friends.

So. Recap. Key points in this mumbo jumbo?

A) If we are not friends, I will delete you from my life. Its that simple. I don't collect aquaintences and call them friends.

B) I do not address any negative statements on FB towards the people that I consider friends. If you can read the status, then its not about you.

C) If you ever wonder what I think of you, ASK ME. I'll tell you. You might not like what I have to say, but I won't hide it.